Holiday Happiness.

If you haven’t already, get your butt down to the Lake District.

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you might remember my post about our amazing holiday in The Lake District. Well, we loved it so much, that we’ve booked to go back! At the end of August we’re going to rediscover Cumbria. Continue reading “Holiday Happiness.”

The Lake District

It was the best few days we’ve ever had..
Warning – a very, very long post.

*this could be quite long, I understand if you leave half way through – or don’t even start*

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Monday: Getting there.

The day you get to your destination, not a whole lot tends to happen. I mean, we had a good breakfast, got a faster train. checked in and explored the little village, but other than that, Monday was pretty uneventful. Continue reading “The Lake District”

Until Friday…

It’s time for a well deserved break. See you when I get back!

Every one of us needs a break from reality from time to time. Well, after three long years at uni and almost four years together and no holiday, Joe and I are off to the Lake District tomorrow. I cannot wait!

Both of us are burned out, and we just need to get away from busy, city life, and just escape into a world where noone knows us, we don’t have work to worry about and family dramas can stay at home. Continue reading “Until Friday…”